Monday, December 31, 2007

My Style Resolutions for 2008

I have been quoted in January's issue of Canadian House and Home on my Style Resolutions for 2008
Click on image for a larger view
Postscript Jan 8 2008
Thanks for all your supportive comments!! I plan to do more posts this year on how I use green and environmentally friendly products in my Interior Design for clients. It is such a timely concern and if we can each start in a small way in our own environments it can go a long way to doing something positive for our world that we all live in.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Lucite Lamp - My Kitchen

This Lucite lamp is one of those "Perfect" Christmas Gifts. It was given to me by my girlfriend Linda. She always knows exactly what I want, sometimes better than I know. I have to clarify that we have know each other for many years and met at Design School. Yes she is an Interior Designer also. Who else would give me something so perfect for my new kitchen. She has been my guiding light on the renovation of my home. When I was unsure if I was making the right decisions, I always consulted with her for her expert opinion. When I was on the search for the perfect hardware for my kitchen cabinets, I stumbled upon Lucite handles. Although I loved them I needed her opinion. Luckily she loved them and they are now a fait accompli (see the bottom 2 pictures). This is the lamp she bought me to sit on my antique 19th Century mahogany breakfast table to go with the Lucite theme. I don't know who was more excited as I unwrapped my Christmas gift - her or me!! Thanks Linda

Lucite lamp on top of my 19th Century English mahogany breakfast table with brass inlay.

My table is surrounded by my favourite chairs. The Louis XV Bergere Chair I have had for 25 years. It has a down seat cushion with a 1/4" flange edge, and is covered (in it's 3rd reincarnation) in a Scalmandre' damask fabric. The shield back chair is Georgian.

These are the Lucite handles gracing my pantry cabinets. My floors are 24" porcelain tile. I love it because it looks and feels like limestone without the hassles of limestone. Nicole, my little Yorkshire Terrier, and my grandsons like it because it is heated.

Postscript Jan 8 2008
Thanks for all your comments. I will post more pictures of my Kitchen as when it is finished.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lucite Patio Bench

This is a fabulous new design for a lucite patio bench by the talented Jordan Capella in LA. What makes this bench perfect for outdoors is the lucite base and the fabric it is upholstered in, which is a solution dyed acrylic. Many companies are now carrying this type of fabric. I love the modern and fun way in which Jordan has used lucite to create his latest design. Good work Jordan!!
For a previous post where I have featured Jordan's work click here.

Check out the following web-sites for some companies that carry solution dyed acrylic fabrics for outdoor living. Tip: I sometimes use this type of fabric for indoor upholstery as it is very durable and cleanable.
Good for use in high traffic areas with kids and pets.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to One and All

This is a picture of Inigo, my client Elizabeth's beautiful son.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

2008 Your Best Year Yet - Write it Down Make it Happen

For those of you wanting to get a head start on making 2008 Your Best Year Yet. I highly recommend this book - Write It Down, Make It Happen . I am deliciously writing in my new Moleskin notebook with my yellow Lamy fountain pen all the wonderful things I want to happen in my world in the New Year. Make 2008 your "Best Year Yet" by getting clear about what you want to happen.

Update Dec 27 2007
A reader has just informed me that there is a Blog devoted to the "Moleskin.
If you are so inclined you can check it out

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Psychology of color

Color is such an important element in our lives. It has been a part of the natural world since the beginning of time, yet we continue to be fascinated by the mysterious nature of this subject. Our personalities can be reflected in our color choices. Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Cool colors are blue, purple, and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.

Psychology of color

Color is such an important element in our lives. It has been a part of the natural world since the beginning of time, yet we continue to be fascinated by the mysterious nature of this subject. Our personalities can be reflected in our color choices. Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Cool colors are blue, purple, and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.

Psychology of color

Color is such an important element in our lives. It has been a part of the natural world since the beginning of time, yet we continue to be fascinated by the mysterious nature of this subject. Our personalities can be reflected in our color choices. Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Cool colors are blue, purple, and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Red Inspiration for Christmas 2007

Christmas is by far my favourite time of year. It is the time of year that I am stimulated both emotionally and visually. I love the decorations, the lights, the spirit of giving and receiving, and most of all this time of year makes me attracted to the color red more than any other time of the year. So in the spirit of the season and the mood I am in, following are some of my favourite red rooms and objects of decor. I wish to you all a season filled with the spirit of love, happiness and time spent with family and friends.

What a great use of a modern stripe on a traditional chair and the other touches of red in the room echoed in the roman shade and flowers.
Brian McCarthy Elle Decor Dec 2007

What about just one touch of red in your room in a wonderful and ornate mirror frame?
World of Interiors March 2007 James Mortimer

My favourite Interior Designer, Albert Hadley in front of his famous red bulletin board

A door covered in red felt that I adore by the fabulous Suzanne Rheinstein

A masterful use of red in this room. The touches of black in the bureau, art frames and accessories ground the space and act like punctuation marks.
Ward Denton and Christopher Gardner Elle Decor 2002 via Peak of Chic
The name John Stefanidis says it all. A brilliant combining of checks and geometrics in this monochromatic color scheme. And the dimensions of the room are so have the space to float a table in the center of the room. A perfect place to pile stacks of books.
John Stefanidis
A classic Chinese Bamboo chair painted bright shiny red is complimented perfectly with the matching red trim on the draperies.
Richard Mishaan Elle Decor June 2007

Check out the red piping on this sofa and the detail on the skirt, and of course you all know my fixation with zebra carpets.
Martyn Lawrence-Bullard via Cote de Texas

I love this beautiful ornate armoire juxtaposed with the clean lines of the contemporary chair. And of course the well photographed coffee table book - Cabinet of Natural Curiosities. 2007 might well be dubbed as the year of Red Coral and this book may go down in the Guinness World Book of Records as the most photographed book.
Picture source unknown

Everything is perfection in this room. My favourite chairs by Phillip Stark-The Ghost Chair
Elle Decor Nov 2006

Another classic chair by Harry Bertoia shown with a red leather cushion. A 1950's Chair designed for the Knoll Group
When I saw these dishes while driving by, in a window display at the Hermes store, I was so taken with them that I circled the block to find a parking spot and went into the store to check them out. What is there not to like about anything that Hermes does?
How cool would this be hanging in an entry foyer?
Neptune lantern by Vaughan

A lacquered & stainless table by Vincente Wolfe for Ralph

Red lacquered candle sticks from

And last but not least my favourite sofa of the year designed by the late John Hutton and appropriately named the "Touche Sofa". Available through David Sutherland Showrooms
A Merry Merry Christmas to one and to all !
Click here to see other posts on Color

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