Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kitchen Set Minimalis Model U

Desain kitchen ini sangat cocok diaplikasikan untuk rumah yang kecil dan sempit.
Pada desain ini terdapat meja bar yang bisa diaplikasikan sebagai meja makan kecil.
Bahan menggunakan Blockboar 18/15mm
Lapis Megateak, Finishing Exs Impra Glossy atau sesuai pesanan.

Box atas bawah. 12.500
Bawah non Box. 10.500
Hubungi kami untuk Harga

Another I LOVE

Speaking of artists I love...I was first introduced to Laura Trevey when a client of mine showed me these watercolors she bought on Etsy...(horrible picture, I snapped this to remember the colors, not thinking one day I would post it)It was love at first site. I LOVE watercolors and the fact that they are very affordable makes me love even more. On top of that I was pleased to find out that Laura is just as sweet as the paintings she makes. When I saw her new hydrangea series I knew I had to share them...
Love this guy...
A few more I love...
One of these will be mine...
For more of her work be sure to check out Laura's Etsy shop and also check out her beautiful Blog

Booth, Counter.

Interior Kantor

Interior kantor dengan finishing HPL

Kitchen set

kitchen set, finishing HPL.

Interior rumah

Interior rumah dengan finishing HPL dan sofa kulit sintetis

Interior Apartemen

Lemari pakaian

Kitchen set

Lemari tv Bench

Dear John (Robinette)

Dear John Robinette,

I hope I am not being to forward but I love you, well I should say love your work. Actually obsessed may be a more accurate word. When a client in Memphis sent me an image of a painting you did she was thinking of purchasing I almost feel out of my chair. I was hit by LOVE. She purchased two and I must admit I am feeling jealous. Beside the Memphis/Mississippi connection we share, what is most striking about your paintings is that they seem to actually glow. This weekend in Oxford I was able to view some of your works in person at the Southside Gallery...They were setting up for the show, that is why these are on the floor....
This one will be mine one day, no not the big one....
This little guy right here....See the reserved for Marianne Strong sign right beside it (okay maybe that is just a plug but a girl can dream can't she?)
Saving my pennies...

More Images HERE

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter List

Just some things I would not mind finding in my basket...This skirt from Lulu's...
This watch...
Technically this is a men's fragrance but I put it on the other day at Saks and LOVED it...
I know, you have seen this everywhere in the blog world, but who doesn't love Bobby McAlpine?
The very sweet Lizzie left me a message to check out the yellow and gray bins at Michael's, especially the gray and white stripe pencils.....then later followed up with an e-mail alerting me to a picture on High Heeled Foot in the Door...Thank you Lizzie, you know me so well!
These, I am not sure if I would wear the first one but I like to think I would...

From West Elm...
And since it is time for the toes to come out...
What would like to find in your basket?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Project 2010

Wall Cloth Display

Counter Cashier

Bikini Rack & Shoes Rack

Interior View
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Winner Winner

Thank you everyone for entering the CrowBiz giveaway. The lucky winner is #51, Carrie!

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