Friday, December 12, 2008

Spanish Colonial Lighting

One step in creating a feel of a 1920s or 30s Spanish Colonial house is selecting the correct lighting.  There are many chandeliers and sconces made today that are inexpensive and unfortunately chosen by homeowners
 and builders because of expense or a lack of knowledge of what is appropriate for the design of the house.
However, the good news is that there is great lighting available.  And not only for Spanish Colonial houses.  In addition, the cost is not enormous.  What makes these chandeliers and sconces so unique is that are made from a cast from original lights from the 1920s and 30s.

The ones I have included today are for a Spanish Colonial house.  They can also be used in any style of Mediterranean architecture as well as a few other styles.  If you would like more information on these or would like to purchase some, please let me know.


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