Tuesday, April 7, 2009

better red than dead

do u have a red room?

vreeland loved her some red
the white house has the most famous red room

1. mixing it up yes or no

2. is red good for a kidz room

3. what about the kitchen
4. red & green are the perfect color wheel match

5. another kidz room yes or no

6. this is a mexacali mess

7. this is a snore zzzzzzzzz

8. always luv da queen luv

9. very opera cafe
10. i hate red bathrooms u can't see ur lipstick
11. french & lovely

12. touches of red can be enough
13. love this wall paper

14. old fashion library

15. more wall paper luv
16. now this is a cute kitchen

17. kind of blah even with the red
18. could u sleep here?

19. dueling red barcelona chairs

20. nice granny ottoman
21. who live here? teenager?

22. red entry - boring

23. classic & clean, but sorry, it's boring
24. eew - scary - red dining rooms r supposed to be good for the appetite

25. now these r cute


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