Dear Bloggers,
The wonderful Kelee @
The Katillac Shack brought to my attention a growing problem in America, dogs being abandoned at an alarming rate due to tough times. We can help though!
Design Gives Back will donate money to help this cause for every one of these scarfs that is decorated.

Here is the one I made for Harry (unfortunately the cute part at the top was lost when I folded it over).....

However the more creative you are the better, check out Miss Puggles! I think I need to meet her owner!

So, if you want to donate to the cause or decorate a scarf please visit
The Katillac Shack. Kelee will send you one for free if you are one of the first 150 to e-mail her your address @ For every scarf decorated $10 will be donated to help abandoned pets!
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