Wednesday, July 28, 2010

mom of shoes at home

mom of shoes loves to cook & shop & decorate & dress up

everybody knows uber bloggerette jane who does the glam darling blog sea of shoes. it is one of those strange blogs where under age girls play fashion model. her mom also has a blog here.

the kitchen of mom of shoes

mom is actually a mom. she loves to cook & her food looks yummy. u can see inside the house of shoes here.

sea of shoes in her back yard

it's kind of interesting considering how much mom of shoes loves 2 shop & decorate.

mom of shoes shoe closet

mom of shoes & sea of shoes share this passion.

mom of shoes living room

they had this photo shoot at their house in dallas. it's just an ordinary granny house.

mom of shoes nick nacks

but mom of shoes did it up twisting all the granny stuff into something incredible.

mom of shoes channels m21 in the entry hall

m21 should pee his knickers.

mom of shoes dining room

house of shoes is drama filled like an old episode of dynasty.

mom of shoes bedroom

mom of shoes green rock display

it's a lot of stuff yet it feels kind of homey 2.

mom of shoes at the photo shoot

what does ur mom do 2 ur house?


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