Friday, June 5, 2009

A Little of This, A Little of That, A BIG Thank You!

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Where do I begin? I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for all the birthday wishes, you made my day. I can't tell y'all how much you mean to me. The kindness of blog readers is overwhelming. Before I get to 2 people in particular, I want to start with a little story about gifts.

While I always appreciate gifts, any gift no matter how big or how small, there are some that really mean a lot to me. A few years ago before a big trip my husband (boyfriend at the time) bought me a new camera. Cameras are always an amazing gift, but this one was special because it was black. I know now days cameras come in all different colors but at the time anything but silver was unusual. The fact that the he knew black over silver (or anything else) would make me giddy was one of those moments when I thought, "Wow, he really knows me well". It is the little things.
So, the first person I would like to thank is Brooke from Blueprint Bliss. When I saw this POST yesterday I was blown away, I actually shed a tear. The kind words were more than I ever expected but then we went to lunch (with Camila, more on that in a minute) and she gave me this-
A drawing (done by hand) of my house. I think this is one of the coolest gifts you can give someone and the fact that she made it herself makes it 100 times better. However, there is one more thing- she put a gray mat around it. It is the smallest details, the fact she knew I would want a gray mat over any other, that meant so much to me. That is when you know you have a really special friend.

Oh, but my day did not end there. I had already spent lunch with Camila and her husband Jon, in spirit. Brooke and I brought them along (I know, we clearly are a little off) on request of Camila. Camila, of High Heeled Foot In The Door, was my first blogger friend. She is the most thoughtful person. I am sure we are soul mates. When I got home I discovered she did this POST for my birthday, I was beaming I was so thrilled. THEN, I get a knock on the door and these flowers came. Not just any flowers, but my FAVORITE type of flower. She knew what to send me and we haven't even actually ever met. How special is that? I am so humbled that I don't know what to say. Thank you both for making this such an amazing day, there are no words for how lucky I feel.

Okay changing gears. Is your coworker invading your personal space?

I took this picture yesterday. This is me sitting at my desk working (I work from home) and my coworker Harry. He has been put out with me lately because I stopped letting him sit on my lap so now he has decided he will just sit behind me. With a face like that though it is hard to stay irked.

Speaking of Harry and birthdays and getting older.....When we first got Harry from the Pound they told us he was full grown (and that he wouldn't shed, 110% untrue-he is a shedding machine). Here he is with the Hubby, who will not be pleased this picture is up, the day we got him.
Well, I knew he was bigger (and really size does not matter to us, we were not looking for a certain size or anything) then I saw this picture taken the other night...
He is 4 times the size he was when we got him, what happened to my little dog? Isn't it amazing how things change so fast? Yes, he is mad at me in that picture by the way.

Well, I think that is enough of my rambling, time to celebrate with margaritas and cheese dip ( I actually wrote this yesterday). I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Thanks again for the birthday wishes, you are the best!


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