Friday, July 10, 2009

would u put me on ur blog list

vicente wolfe
great designer, secure man, author, successful businessman
& non judging

it's no secret that gwd has ruffled feathers.
this blog is not the usual. it is an anon blog. gwd has no e-mail contact, no blog list, & comments anon only in this blog with a gwd signature.
the readeship is small & select.
gwd tried an experiment in blogging. mainly a picture blog, an image bank to use as u wish.
no ass kissing mash notes, no personal back story, & only a link 2 something once in awhile, with no real attempt to build an audience.
gwd put it out there just 2 see what would happen when a girl doesn't follow all the rules of blogging.
gwd tells u about her via the inspiration board in the right hand margin.
gwd works hard. the picture research is time consuming and thought out. gwd has published over 300 posts in 6 months.
the most succesful post ever was about the girly awards HERE.
gwd never said who is best or worst, but presented a list of a few of the many blogs out there.
the comments were very snarky & honest & mostly written under the protection of anon.
what happened is that we talked to one another in our real voices & not the fakey blog voices we all use to seem nice, wise, & worldly. we talked to each other on a real level and it was great.
gwd seldom appears on another bloggers list. today gwd found herself on a very respectable high tone blog: Vicente Wolf. how illuminating.
many fear gwd for no reason other than their own insecurity. gwd is no one. just a twit with an opinion or 2 like u.
gwd is considering adding a blog list because she reads & loves & hates many blogs.
gwd has already been banned by a few of her fellow twits. but gwd will still put u on the blog list even if she thinks ur lcd or amazing.


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