Sunday, July 30, 2006

Home Decorating: Planning Lightning

When you are choosing a bathroom light fixtures or lightning for any room in your home, the first thing to take into account is how that room will be used and, thus, the type of lightning you will need. Light is very important in a room, because it affects colors and makes them seem lighter or darker.

Natural light from windows will change the appearance of colors at different times of the day – enlivening them in the morning sun and gradually toning them down as the day progresses.

Artificial lights also affect the colors in a room, making them look lighter or darker. They can also play tricks with colors, sometimes causing dramatic changes a, literally the flick a switch.

Lamps are the most popular choice of lights today and are easy to install, a homeowner can accomplish this by himself in just a few hours. They are a very important part of any home that will beautify and add warmth and elegance for every room in your home.

The possibilities for using home lighting are endless when considering light fixtures to decorate your home and the fun and satisfaction of decorating the interior of your home by yourself will be rewarding.

Lightning can be used to accentuate features in the room in much the same way as colors and patterns. Strategically positioned wall lights, spotlights, uplights, or ceiling downlights can be arranged so that they wash a complete wall with a blanket of light.

They can also be used to good effect to highlight an isolated area, such as a display shelf, or a recess filled with beautiful objects, or to light a work of art such as sculpture or painting.

The days are long gone when it was considered adequate to light a room with a single, central pendant light. In specialist lighting store, you can be overwhelmed by the lightning options open to you. Light fixtures, bulb wattages, and even colored light have been brought into the scheme of things so that, apart from practical values, there is also the esthetic appeal to consider. Lampshades, too, contribute to the interest and atmosphere of the room, coming as they do in a vast choice of shapes, sizes, materials, and colors.

Home Decorating Digest - is an online magazine that helps homeowners find home decorating ideas and feature articles on style, color and interior design. Get decorating basics, do-it-yourself projects, organizing and outdoor garden design tips.

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