Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ideas For Decorating Your Home

Believe it or not but decoration your home can be very therapeutic. Everyone gets a bit fed up from time to time and we don’t always know why. Quite often, our stale and familiar surroundings can play a subconscious roll in our general mood. The great thing about decorating your home, or rooms in the home, is that it can lift our mood. Now that doesn’t necessarily have to mean a full blown face lift is needed to get that fresh new look. This is good news to many, as a full makeover can be a both a time consuming and costly exercise.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, and I’m not just talking about impressing visitors to your home, I’m talking about impressing you impressing yourself. It is you that needs to be in love with your living spaces whether that’s a studio squat, or a stately mansion, it has to feel right for you. I’ve outlined a few tips below which I’ve picked up over the years, and most of these are quick and easy tasks which can make a huge difference to your living spaces. Okay, here goes:

Purchase a few cushions and throw them around the chairs and sofas. Have contrasting colors and sizes. Always have odd numbers though. A set of 3 or 5 across a sofa will work much better than 2 or 4. The instantaneous difference this makes will amaze you.

Try painting just one of your walls. It doesn’t even have to be the biggest or main wall, but it can be if you like. The different color that you add to just one wall can completely transform your room beyond all previous recognition. You can also attempt a specialist paint affect too. Dabbing a contrasting color on top of the base coat using a Mediterranean Sea sponge can give a real professional finish to any wall. What I usually do is paint the base color (say mid blue), then dab all over the wall with a sea sponge using a different color (say light blue) then dab over the mid color using the base color again to mute it. Absolutely beautiful effect that anyone can achieve with a little patience.

Break a large wall up with a big mirror or a painting of some sorts. Wall decorations, whatever you choose, can really smarten up the style of a room. I’ve always had a big mirror on at least one wall and a set of choice paintings or prints on another.

Place a rug on an otherwise barren floor space and it will also give your room a whole new look. If can be of any size at any angle, you will need to experiment a bit to find a look that appeals to you. My favorite is to place a rectangular run under a coffee table. I like the way the 2 items compliment each other.

Musical instruments make for great décor. Even if you don’t play an instrument, a guitar for example sitting neatly on its floor stand can look fantastic and either break a corner or cover up a unsightly pipe, plug, or damaged area.

A throw over the settee (sofa) can transform a whole space and add a real cozy feel to the room in general

My favorite room décor has to be house plants. 1 or 2 big plants of varying sizes placed strategically around a room and a few smaller potted plants added to compliment them, can really bring a room into its own. For me personally, there is no single transformation that impresses me more than bringing the outdoors indoors.

I could go on forever but I hope if nothing else this short piece has given you a few ideas on how to decorate your home without really having to decorate. Good luck!

About the author:

Roger Wilson is a proficient writer and webmaster for SituationHome dot com where he writes on such issues as The Home Security System and The Home Improvement Loan. He also has many other house & home related pieces on the site.

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