Thursday, June 18, 2009

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait....

Remember these boots from HERE. Well the Frye Paige Cuff Boot in Slate never actually found its way to my house even though I really thought it might have at Christmas. I digress. Anyhoo, for over a year now I have been on a search for a more affordable gray boot. I have tried many, and by many I mean all that are out there. Then randomly the other day while "just peeking" to see if the Paige boots came down any I came across these.They came last night and they are SOOOOOO cute. I love them and for $90 they are a steal. Now it just has to get cold again. There is nothing like buying boots in June when it is 97 degrees outside.

The man in the brown uniform handing me this package was the highlight of my day. My phone, internet and fax are all down so that made for a long day. They are not up yet but hopefully will be soon so if you are waiting to hear from me I hope to be back soon, sorry for the inconvience!


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