Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's In A Picture- Two For One

Keeping up with studying one picture at a time this week I picked a room out of house in Southern Living.
What I love:
*Not just the built-in banquette but also the nailhead and trim detail around the top.
*How pretty the wood is on the table and bench
*The wood floors, wide planks with natural imperfections
*The light fixture
*The frame hung right against the ledge with a collection of bottles below
*The beams in the ceiling

Since I missed yesterday I thought I would do one more from the same house.....
What I love:
*The casualness of the slipcovers with the fringe added along the bottom.
*EVERYTHING about the mantel- the shapes, carving, materials, it is perfect
*The mantel display, great use of the frames
*The iron and glass coffee table that adds to the feel of the room
*The light
*The wood in the fireplace for this picture, great styling

Did I miss anything?

Images Southern Living October 2009


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