Friday, August 6, 2010

Pure Organization- What???!!

Do you remember when I started "Pure Organization" this past January 2010and was all set to get organized?  Well, as you probably noticed, I totally slacked off on that front and we spent more of our time redoing rooms & on other projects that on actually organizing.  (Kids, work, life too, you know ;)

{Coat Closet Reorganization}

BUT, as the school year nears (noooooo!! ;)  it's time to get thinking about organization again & being productive.  But this time, since so many of our weekly projects are decorating-focused or food-focused, or whatever-focused, I'm renaming it "Pure Living 2010."  Mr.Linky will be back on Monday if anyone want to participate & I've decided that lots of the projects will just be fun, simple things that make us happy so that way we have some super-productive projects to get things done and then some fun ones to keep us going. 

{Paint Touch-up Jars Project #1}

This Monday's proejct (#12 I think??) will be to create a pretty simple, summer flower arrangement using flowers or herbs from your yard/ windowsill/ neighbor'd garden ( hee hee ;)  whatever.. but something that didn't cost you anything, and add it to your table for dinner and as many days as it will last.  I'm off Spring-Summer break and am ready to rock so I'll be back on Monday with pics of my flowers.  I am SO not slacking this time.  Ummm... and if I try to, can you convince me to stay strong?? :) 

xoxo, Lauren

ps- I just joined Twitter and am not quite sure how it works yet so we'll see how that goes!!  If you know how to find me on there, please do!


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